ABARES—Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
ACGC—Australian Chicken Growers Council
AEL—Australian Eggs Ltd
AHA—Animal Health Australia
AHC—Animal Health Committee
AI—avian influenza
AUSVETPLAN—Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan
BIOMASS—All organic material that may be the subject of disposal
CCEAD—Consultative Committee on Emergency Animal Disease
EAD—emergency animal disease
EADRA—Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement
EADRP—Emergency Animal Disease Response Plan
EPA—Environmental Protection Agency
GIS—geospatial information system
HPAI—Highly pathogenic avian influenza
IBDV—infectious bursal disease virus
MCAS-S—Multi-Criteria Analysis Shell for Spatial Decision Support tool
NASOP—Nationally Agreed Standard Operating Procedures
ND—Newcastle disease
OACVO—Office of the Australian Chief Veterinary Officer
SOP—standard operating procedure
vvIBD—very virulent infectious bursal disease virus