Industry Guides

These manuals and guides have been developed to give the latest and best science-based information for the Australian chicken meat industry.

Each guide deals with a specific topic, e.g. water quality. Author details are included so that if you have any questions or would like more information you can contact them directly.

Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability Framework

In a world first, Australia’s chicken meat industry has launched its sustainability framework designed to clearly demonstrate the industry’s sustainability priorities, measure ongoing performance and establish forward-leaning targets.

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Best practice litter management manual for Australian meat chicken farms

The Best practice litter management manual for Australian meat chicken farms covers fresh, in-shed, re-use and spent litter management. It includes a troubleshooting guide and an example agreement for the removal and use of spent litter from a meat chicken farm.

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Industry best practice manual for water quality management and sterilisation on-farm

The Industry best practice manual for water quality management and sterilisation on-farm has detailed information on how meat chicken growers and breeder farm managers can achieve their water quality targets. It includes a troubleshooting guide and standard operating procedures.

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Poultry waste composting guidelines

These Poultry waste composting guidelines explain what you need to effectively compost poultry waste. It includes what to consider before composting, how to compost and practical examples.

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Rodent control on meat chicken farms

The Rodent control on meat chicken farms manual has information about the behaviour and ecology of rats and mice, integrated rodent management strategies, and novel and emerging rodent control products. It also has key product information that you can use to improve on-farm rodent management.

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Guidelines for decontaminating a poultry shed

Decontamination is a combination of physical and chemical processes that kill or reduce the load of microbes present on the farm at the end of a production cycle or after a disease outbreak. In the Australian poultry industry, decontamination is normally performed after the end of each production cycle to prevent the spread of disease-causing organisms between old and new batches of birds.

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