Poultry Legislation Search Tool

This tool brings together Australia’s legislation and Standards and Guidelines into a single, easily searchable location, allowing the user to quickly find relevant laws in relation to biosecurity, animal welfare and food safety for the Australian Chicken Meat industry.

All Poultry Legislation

Stockfeed / 08.10.2023

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1992

This Act controls the use, application and sale of agricultural and veterinary chemical products, fertilisers and stock foods and the manufacture of fertilisers and stock foods.

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Chemical handling and use / 08.10.2023

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1995, Tasmania

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Chemical handling and use / 08.10.2023

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Tasmania) Act 1994

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Chemical handling and use / 08.10.2023

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Victoria) Act 1994

The purpose of this Act is to apply certain laws of the Commonwealth relating to agricultural and veterinary chemical products as laws of Victoria.

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Chemical handling and use / 08.10.2023

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994

An Act to make provision for the evaluation, registration and control of agricultural and veterinary chemical products, and for related matters, for the purposes of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994.

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Chemical handling and use / 08.10.2023

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Regulations 1995

The regulations provide further information on chemical products, the approval and registration process, and permitting.

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Chemical handling and use / 08.10.2023

Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Act 2002, South Australia

All persons that use or dispose of agricultural or veterinary chemicals have a general duty to prevent or minimise harm to any person and the environment.

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Chemical handling and use / 08.10.2023

Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2017, South Australia

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Animal welfare / 23.02.2023

AHA animal welfare information

Animal Health Australia (AHA) works with the chicken and egg industries to develop and implement national programs to safeguard the health of Australia’s poultry industry.

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Food safety / 23.02.2023

AHA National Salmonella Enteritidis response management plan

A guidance document for government and industry in the event of Salmonella Enteritidis potentially linked to eggs or poultry meat in Australia.

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Biosecurity / 23.02.2023

AHA Preparedness and response

Animal Health Australia (AHA) coordinates national animal biosecurity services to protect Australia’s unique environment and support our trade reputation as a supplier of healthy animals and high quality animal products.

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Biosecurity / 23.02.2023

Animal biosecurity New South Wales

Animal biosecurity is all about protecting the economy, human health and the environment from problems associated with pests and diseases of animals and residues in animal products. NSW DPI and Local Land Services are partners in the delivery of animal biosecurity. They work with animal owners, animal industries, communities and other stakeholders to keep NSW animals and animal products healthy and safe.

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Biosecurity / 23.02.2023

Animal biosecurity Tasmania

Animal biosecurity is primarily about minimising the risk of serious disease, early diagnosis of a serious disease outbreak, prompt action to prevent the spread of serious disease.

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Animal welfare / 23.02.2023

Animal Care And Protection Act Queensland

Animal welfare in Queensland is regulated and enforced to ensure animals are treated humanely. It places a legal duty of care on people in charge of animals to meet those animals' needs in an appropriate way.

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Animal welfare / 23.02.2023

Animal Care and Protection Regulation 2023, Queensland

The Animal Care and Protection Regulation 2023 includes Schedule 1 – Code of practice about domestic fowl, which contains very descriptive requirements for facilities (including cages) and stocking densities in which fowl are kept, including free range requirements. It also contains sections for the provision of feed and water, and inspection requirements; and Schedule 5 – Code of practice for transport of livestock, including poultry. The scope of this schedule extends from assembling or holding livestock before loading through to assembling or holding livestock on completion of the journey.

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Biosecurity / 23.02.2023

Animal Diseases Act Australian Capital Territory

The Commonwealth Biosecurity Act governs biosecurity in the ACT but is heavily focused on Commonwealth border security. The Animal Diseases Act (ACT) is essentially a quarantine act.

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Biosecurity / 23.02.2023

Animal Health Australia

Animal Health Australia (AHA) is the trusted and independent national animal health body in Australia, bringing together government and industry to deliver animal health and biosecurity.

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Antimicrobial stewardship / 23.02.2023

Animal Industries Antimicrobial Stewardship (AIAS) RD&E Strategy

The aim of this strategy is to 'Create a collaborative mechanism for animal industries to identify common research, development and extension (RD&E) priorities for the effective monitoring of antimicrobial use (AMU) and surveillance of AMR to inform stewardship actions that meet Australia’s animal health and market access needs, without impacting food safety or human health.'

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Animal welfare / 23.02.2023

Animal Legislation (Animal Welfare) Act Victoria

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Animal welfare / 23.02.2023

Animal Protection Act Northern Territory

This Act covers the welfare of animals in the care of humans, as well as those in their natural environment. The Act and regulations are managed the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade who are responsible for making sure animal owners follow these rules. There are no specific laws relating to poultry.

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