Industry best practice manual for water quality management and sterilisation on-farm

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  4. Source water management
  5. Recycled water

Recycled water

Performance goal: Minimise the contamination risks to recycled water.
Description: Recycled water can be generated from sewage, greywater and stormwater. Ideally, it should be used to augment primary drinking water sources.

To make recycled water safe for consumption, it will need additional treatment to that required for other water sources. Before implementing a water recycling program, consult with your veterinarian or a water treatment expert to ensure water will be treated to a quality considered safe for meat chickens.

There is the potential for contamination with more chemicals than what is described in Section 2: Water quality criteria.

Therefore, it is recommended that the guideline values for chemicals and log removals for microorganisms in Australian guidelines for water recycling: managing health and environmental risks (phase 2) is followed in addition to the recommended water quality criteria.
For additional guidance, please refer to the Australian guidelines for water recycling: managing health and environmental risks (phase 1 and 2) (NRMMC et al., 2006, 2008). Website:
Performance criteria: Contamination risks to recycled water are controlled.

Most stringent value in Australian guidelines for water recycling: managing health and environmental risks (phase 2) or Water quality criteria (Section 2)
Minimum requirements
Advanced wastewater treatment.
Primary disinfectant – directly after advanced wastewater treatment.
Secondary oxidant disinfectant (booster) – if stored, use a secondary disinfectant. Ideally, always maintain a residual.
Automated online chemical dosing, water quality and water flow meters.
Automated online disinfection residual monitoring system.
Automated TDS, turbidity and colour monitoring system on inlet source water before treatment, directly after disinfection, and at the inlet of each shed.
ORP disinfection of 650mV is measured at the far end of the water line (i.e. the last drinker).
2–3mg/L oxidant disinfectant residual at end drinker.
Sufficient contact time (Ct) to inactive pathogens.
Replacement disinfectant and associated chemicals and consumable parts on standby.
Backup power and duplicate facilities required to treat water.
Best practice options
Advanced wastewater treatment – using reverse osmosis.
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