Industry best practice manual for water quality management and sterilisation on-farm

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  3. Industry best practice manual for water quality management and sterilisation on-farm
  4. Introduction
  5. General tips for ensuring best practice water quality

General tips for ensuring best practice water quality

General tips for water quality

1Consider water supply and quality when designing new shedsDrought can affect many meat chicken growing regions in Australia. Water supply and quality should be considered before building new sheds.
2Pre-treat waterRemove suspended solids and organic matter.
3Disinfect waterInactivation of microorganisms to ensure the safety of water for meat chickens.
4Regularly test water qualityMicrobial, chemical, and physical water quality characteristics should be measured regularly to identify and control water quality issues and to determine the effectiveness of pre-treatment and disinfection.
5Conduct regular maintenance on the whole water system Stops system failures and ensures components of the water system are operational.
6Control scale and biofilmsLack of control was identified as the major cause of water quality issues and water distribution equipment breakdown.
7Flush and/or clean water lines regularlySystem is flushed and/or cleaned between each flock and after adding additives.
8Aim for the optimal pH levelOptimal pH range for disinfectant and scale reduction used.
9Use nipple drinkersNipple drinker systems are much more water-efficient and hygienic than open “bell” drinker systems.
10Monitor and controlMonitor the whole system.
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