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  3. Rodent control on meat chicken farms
  4. Control options – rodenticides
  5. Bait housing

Bait housing

Bait stations

Secure bait housing is essential for the safe and effective use of rodenticides. Enclosed lockable bait stations are preferred because they protect bait from moisture and dust, provide a secluded area for rodents to feed, and prevent non-target animals from accessing the bait. Bait stations should be placed on the ground and in areas of rodent activity and along transit lines, ideally between rodent shelter and food supply. Common practice is for bait stations at fixed intervals around the perimeter of bird housing sheds. To prevent secondary poisoning, bait stations should not be placed on floor areas where birds have access, but they can be safely placed in roof cavities, on wall ledges, underneath sheds or any other areas where rodents are active. For detailed information about identifying the activity of rodents, see Rodent species. Users of anticoagulant rodenticides should be aware that because detectable residue concentrations of rodenticides can be excreted by baited rodents through faeces, the use of anticoagulants has an inherent contamination risk.

Temporary bait stations can be placed in areas where rodents are more active. They should be regularly inspected, with bait intake recorded, old bait discarded, and fresh bait distributed. Heightened activity may require more frequent checking of bait stations. The effectiveness of baiting strategies depends on the mode of action of the type of rodenticide. Users should follow instructions on product labels. For detailed instructions on handling and user safety, refer to the relevant Safety Data Sheet for each product.

Traps and glue boards

Trapping is a potentially effective rodent control method, but it is labour intensive and less effective against the large rodent populations that may be present on poultry operations. Advantages include not relying on hazardous chemicals with secondary poisoning and contamination risk. Traps enable users to directly observe effectiveness and to dispose of rodent carcases, which can be reservoirs for disease and odours.

Different trap designs include snap traps, wire-mesh cages, funnel cage traps and modified oil drums, each with advantages and disadvantages. Traps are most effective in areas with regular activity and routine travel, but generally includes areas close to walls or in corners. Leaving traps unset and allowing rodents to take enticing food bait, such as peanut butter or marshmallows, at least once can prevent rodents becoming trap shy.

Glue boards function by causing rodents that travel across them to adhere to the board. Similar to traps, glue boards are most effective in established transit lines and areas with high rodent activity. They are generally more effective for capturing mice because adult rats are large and powerful enough to pull themselves free. Glue boards lose their tackiness if covered by dust or exposed to temperature extremes, therefore they can be left exposed only for short periods of time.

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