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  4. Active compounds in different rodenticides

Active compounds in different rodenticides

Rodenticide active compounds are referred to by their common chemical names. Chemicals are grouped according to their mode of action, either acute poisons, anticoagulants (first-generation and second-generation), novel and emerging compounds.

The information presented for each chemical in this guide is outlined below.

Chemical name: The common name of the chemical.

Other names: Other names or synonyms used to describe the chemical.

Development and use: Description of the history of the chemical from its development through to first applications as a rodenticide, and a summary of how the chemical is currently used in Australia. Readers should always check up-to-date legislation because regulations for chemical use may change frequently.

Mode of action: Description of the physiological or biochemical effect of the chemical on animals, including symptoms, metabolism, persistence and excretion.

Time to death: The time taken for the target animal to die after consuming a lethal dose of the chemical.

Evidence of resistance: Scientific evidence of the ability of target animals to withstand exposure to the chemical that would normally be lethal to most animals of that species. This usually implies that genetic differences have developed within a specific animal population.

APVMA-registered products containing this chemical: A list of rodenticide products containing the chemical registered by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) and listed on the Public Chemical Registration Information System (PubCRIS) database.

Available formulation: A list of bait formulation types available for the chemical.

Acute toxicity: Oral median lethal dose (LD50) values provide a guide to the sensitivity of different rodent species (house mice and brown/Norway rats) to the chemical. LD50 values are calculated from laboratory feeding trials where a range of factors may influence the toxicity of a chemical, including the age, sex and strain of the experimental animals. These values are, therefore, highly variable and should be used only as a rough guide. The total amount of the chemical required to be consumed to kill an average-sized animal provides another comparison of the relative toxicity of different products and chemicals.

Poison schedule and regulatory requirements: The classification of the chemical according to the Australian Poisons Schedules using the criteria in the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons. For a description of these schedules go to Poison schedule classifications. Please note that the APVMA may declare certain products as ‘restricted chemical products’ if special training, and/or other requirements are needed for handling or using the chemical. These designated products can be used only by an ‘Authorised Person’, who is determined by the relevant state or territory authority. Readers should always check up-to-date legislation because regulations for chemical use may change frequently.

Handling, storage and user safety: A list of procedures needed for handling, storage and safe use of the chemical.

References: A list of all the literature cited for each chemical. These papers may be useful if you would like more detailed information.


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