Water purification and treatment options – a review

As the Australian chicken meat industry increasingly expands into more rural areas, the availability of adequate water supplies of suitable quality becomes more of a challenge on-farm and during processing. There are several water treatment and recycling technologies available that may improve the efficiency, availability and appropriateness of water used on chicken farms and in processing plants. However, there are barriers to effectively implementing these technologies.

The aim of this project is to identify opportunities and barriers to the adoption of technologies that improve access to appropriate water on-farm and in processing, while effectively managing the potential risks. This project will produce a review of water treatment technologies for on-farm and processing applications, along with an assessment of present and likely future barriers to implementing them (including legislative impacts). This information will be used to direct prioritisation of future investments in water management for the Australian chicken meat industry.

Related research

PRJ-011587: Industry best practice manual for water quality management and sterilisation – project summary

Project details

Project code: PRJ-010995
Principal investigator: Marie-Laure Pype
Research organisation: University of Queensland
Project duration: August 2018 – March 2019


Dr Marie-Laure Pype, Research Fellow, University of Queensland, m.pype@awmc.uq.edu.au

Sue Hatcher, Manager, Research – Chicken Meat RD&E Program – Food Safety, Environment and Consumer Needs, AgriFutures Australia, sue.hatcher@agrifutures.com.au

Learn more

Download a copy of the project summary here.

Visit the AgriFutures Chicken Meat Program website.