Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) and disinfectants

Minimising the spread of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) in Australia’s chicken meat industry is essential for safeguarding production and enhancing chicken biosecurity, health and welfare, which is a core priority identified in the AgriFutures Chicken Meat Program RD&E Plan 2022-2027. IBDV is a non-enveloped virus which means it is resistant to changes in pH, heat and acidity in its environment. This means that many disinfectants, like ether and chloroform, are ineffective against the virus, although recent research has identified the effectiveness of a variety of disinfectants against IBDV.

To ensure disinfectant use is successful against IBDV, the surface being disinfected must first be cleaned with cleaning agents like water with detergent or soap. It is important that cleaning residues, organic matter and other materials that interact with disinfectants are completely removed prior to application to prevent them diluting the disinfectant and reducing its effectiveness against the virus. Except when using gaseous disinfectants, the entire surface must then be wet with the disinfectant and remain saturated for the appropriate time recommended on the instructions or in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Research has identified that effective disinfectants against IBDV are oxidising agents, alkalis and aldehydes. These include disinfectants such as sodium hypochlorite, Virkon, sodium hydroxide, gluteraldehyde and formalin. Disinfectants that are less effective against IBDV include quaternary ammonium compounds, ethanol, iodophors and phenolics.

For more information on the use of sanitisers against IBDV

Project details:

Project No. PRJ-010978
Research organisation: CSIRO