Increasing Australia’s preparedness for vvIBDV

Australia’s geographic isolation and strict import biosecurity requirements protect our poultry industries from several diseases that impact poultry industries internationally, such as very virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (vvIBDV). Incursion of vvIBDV strains pose a serious threat to the Australian poultry industry, and although work since the 1990s has confirmed that IBDV strains circulating in Australian poultry are distinct from exotic strains detected internationally, the Australian industry needs to be prepared to act swiftly to eradicate any exotic IBDV strains if an incursion occurs.

Previous data on Australian IBDV strains suggests that current biosecurity measures may be inadequate to limit the spread of exotic IBDV among Australian poultry. Through industry consultation, consolidation of historical data, and sample collection and analysis, this project is designed to understand methods that the Australian poultry industry can implement to be better prepared to respond to an incursion of vvIBDV, with swift containment and eradication.

Project details

Project code: PRJ-010978
Principal investigator: Sandra Sapats
Research organisation: CSIRO
Project duration: May 2018 – May 2021

Related research

PRJ-008715: Surveillance and pathotyping of Australian IBDV – final report summary

PRJ-008715: Surveillance and pathotyping of Australian IBDV – final report

PRJ-004075: Surveillance and pathotyping of circulating IBDV strains – project summary

PRJ-000699: Improved control measures for infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) – project summary


Sandra Sapats, CSIRO,

Learn more

Visit the AgriFutures Chicken Meat Program website.