
The AgriFutures Australia Chicken Meat Program environment logo.The environment within meat chicken sheds—temperature, humidity, light, litter—is maintained within strict limits so that chickens are healthy and comfortable. It is also important to manage the environment outside chicken sheds and processing plants to minimise potential biosecurity risks.

We’ve grouped information, tools and resources about the environment and managing it on-farm and in processing plants into five key areas: energy, litter, environmental management, ventilation and water.

Below are examples of the topics covered in each area. Click on the links to take you to each of these sections or type the term into the search bar at the top of this page.

Energy: potential energy savings using direct-drive variable speed fans; The Solar Photovoltaic Assessment Tool; current and completed energy-related research.

Litter: management guides; pocket guide and shed poster; videos; webinars; current and completed litter-related research.

Environmental management: planning; ventilation; odour; current and completed odour-related research.

Water: availability and security; quality; in-shed sprinkler systems; current and completed water-related research.