Biosecurity risk assessments made easy

Biosecurity measures are critical for preventing the introduction and spread of infectious agents, including viruses, bacteria and parasites that affect chicken and human health. As such, ensuring optimal biosecurity is a core priority listed in the AgriFutures Chicken Meat Program RD&E Plan 2022-2027. The chicken meat industry invests significant resources into identifying, implementing, and improving biosecurity throughout the chicken meat supply chain.

ExoFlare, an innovative Australian technology company, has developed a software platform that provides an enhanced assessment of biosecurity risks to help prevent and control outbreaks across the chicken meat supply chain. This platform allows the industry to electronically monitor, measure, and identify opportunities to reduce biosecurity risks posed by the movement of people, items and equipment that may be contaminated with infectious agents.

ExoFlare allows producers to access real-time notifications of entry and risk assessments of anyone visiting farms or processor facilities such as hatcheries or feed mills. The risk management practices outlined in the industry’s Biosecurity Manual provide the basis for the assessment, and ExoFlare can be easily configured to incorporate additional company and site biosecurity requirements.

ExoFlare improves traceability and provides digitised risk data and information that can be further analysed by a company in real-time. This visibility and flexibility is useful for contact tracing people who’ve checked in across different sites operated by a single company during an outbreak. This process allows quarantine and biosecurity declarations to be made and approved electronically and information to be captured to inform the biosecurity risk that a visitor might pose (e.g. recent visits to other farms).

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Project details

Project No. PRO-015813

Research organisation: ExoFlare