Review of the nutrient content of Australian feed ingredients

The AgriFutures Australia Chicken Meat Program nutrition logo.

The feed ingredients database is the first of its kind for the Australian chicken meat industry. It has 102 nutrient specifications for 42 feed ingredients most commonly used to feed meat chickens in Australia. What makes this database unique is that it also includes the variation between nutrient levels in different feeds.

Having this information in one, easy to access place is important to poultry nutritionists and others formulating chicken diets.

Dr Amy Moss, from the University of New England, developed the database after surveying industry nutritionists and with data generously contributed by Australian feed companies. Data was also sourced from online open access databases and reviewing scientific literature.

A printable pdf version of the database, as well as an Excel spreadsheet, can be downloaded from the links below.

Download printable version Download spreadsheet


To learn more about the database, you can watch the webinar recording or download a printable fact sheet.

Project details

Project number: PRJ-011564
Principal investigator: Dr Amy Moss
Research organisation: Univerity of New England
Project duration: April 2019 – March 2020

Researcher details

Dr Amy Moss
phone +61 2 6773 5217