
The AgriFutures Australia Meat Chicken Program biosecurity logo.Biosecurity is ‘a set of measures designed to protect a property, or business, from the entry and spread of pests and diseases, including food safety pathogens. Chicken farm, and processing plant, biosecurity is your responsibility, and that of every person visiting or working on your property or business’ (Animal Health Australia and Plant Health Australia).

Practising good biosecurity is important for everyone who works in or is involved in the Australian chicken meat industry.

Manuals, guides and tools

The National farm biosecurity manual for chicken growers May 2020 (PDF, 2.39MB) is available from the Farm Biosecurity website along with tools and resources you can use in your own business.


Watch these videos to see what biosecurity practices are in place on Australian chicken farms and what it is important to do before, and when, you visit one.


Biosecurity-related research projects funded by the AgriFutures Australia Chicken Meat Program currently in progress, or recently completed, include:

For a list of completed projects visit our ‘Completed biosecurity research projects’ page.

Biosecurity is closely related to chicken health and welfare, and to the environment—visit our health, environment, welfare and water pages for more information.